2014 Bronze Retail | DMA

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2014 Bronze Retail

MRM Meteorite
Client Hammerson
How did the campaign make a difference? Hammerson owns 18 prestigious shopping centres in the UK and France – including Bullring, Brent Cross and WestQuay.
This strategy allowed a shopping centre landlord to turn traditionally anonymous centre visits into highly trackable ones.
Explicit customer preferences were combined with real-time tracking to deliver an exciting mobile experience for shoppers and proactively drives increased frequency, dwell time and footfall for the retailers.
Strategy As landlord, Hammerson looks to drive footfall and time spent in the centres from the 250m visitors who come monthly to the 500+ retailers, restaurants and entertainment services that lease space.
The campaign aimed to increase visitor frequency, store penetration and total dwell time.
Hammerson sought to respond to the different visit occasions and need states of different customers by deploying a dual strategy, called NUDGE, to turn anonymous visits into visible ones, drive the most value out of each visit and create true customer engagement and clear value.
For Hammerson, this meant longer dwell time, increased repertoire, more spend, another customer visit or a customer sharing their experience. For the customer, this meant making it easier to shop, more pleasurable, trying something new, surprising and being given a reason to return.
Creativity Each customer was invited to Make The Most of Every Visit by using the Kudos app. Recognised through geo-fencing as they move around the centre, retailers are able to offer experiences and rewards to suit their profile.
A simple sign-up offers free wifi and a free coffee. Users are prompted to build their profile by highlighting specific retailers or retail sectors that interest them. As they approach the centre they are welcomed and prompted to use the app to say why they are visiting. We then begin to NUDGE them through curated and personalised visits, providing contextualised offers and content from the retailers, restaurants and services they use and value. They receive dining or entertainment options to extend their visit and, as they leave, are prompted to share their successful trip and are incentivized with an offer for a future return. Over time, and visits, profiles get deeper and deliver better experiences.
Results The impact has been significant, with dwell time up by 34% and an average 1.1 more store visits per Kudos user.
80% users have opened the app three or more times and Hammerson now have highly detailed visitor profiles – including what brands and services they are intend to visit, correlated against the ones they actually do using live footfall tracking accurate to within three feet.
These data profiles have enabled the creation of more than 150 highly effective push notifications, sent via email, SMS and in-app messages, to NUDGE behaviour.
It all adds up to £1.91m incremental revenue during a six month trial – equating to an ROMI of 1:8.4.
Kudos is now rolling out to all eighteen European centres.
Team Tom Phillips - Planning Partner, Emma Janson-Smith - Planning Director, Richard Hennis - Business Partner, Doug Chisholm - CEO, Karl Boyce - Digital Marketing Controller, Stephen Brown - Marketing Director, Tim Burns - UK Digital Marketing Executive, Lou Hilliard - Project Management Director, Chris Jefferys - Associate Creative Director

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