2013 Bronze Retail | DMA

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2013 Bronze Retail


Client Sainsbury's

How did the campaign make a difference? This campaign proved that redeeming Nectar points for something completely different was easy and much more emotionally and financially rewarding, reigniting customer enthusiasm and driving deeper engagement with Nectar. The campaign generated a level of engagement never before achieved in Nectar's long history.

What details of the strategy make this a winning entry? Analysis showed that customers who make higher-value Nectar redemptions with out-of-store reward partners become far more loyal and valuable. However, most family customers redeem their points little and often in Sainsbury's. The strategy was to make it more emotionally and financially rewarding to redeem differently, and overcome the perception that redeeming differently would be difficult. The campaign provided a simple choice of double value rewards aimed at families (swimming, days out, cinema and restaurants). Customers could do the whole thing in-store while grocery shopping. A multichannel, integrated campaign was developed to maximise the opportunity, using paid, owned and earned media. Different media roles were defined: PR, TV and radio inspired interest, while online and direct mail deepened relevance and interest. Websites and store communications simplified 'how to redeem'. Facebook and Twitter amplified the campaign, with video, competitions and kids' activities.

How did creativity bring the strategy to life? Integration across channels was shaped by the need to reframe Nectar in a surprising, exciting way, which grabbed attention and generated response. The creative idea led with the emotional benefit of feeling like a great parent, as you see kids enjoying their summer to the full. This imagery was focal to every communication, along with the simple question 'What will you turn your Nectar points into?' Each communication was also enjoyable to engage with – the direct mailer was also a treasure map and a pirate hat. The approach was a real departure for Sainsbury's Nectar, which had previously taken a functional approach. However, the functional side couldn't be neglected; once interested, customers needed to know how to exchange points and understand the value equation. The redemption process was expressed simply and clearly, in steps, to ensure it felt easy. There were simple ways to express the points value exchange, using graphics and examples to help build understanding.

Results The vast majority of customers who redeemed with partners after this campaign did so for the first time. The high levels of participation among the target audience show the right customers were targeted with the right proposition and execution at the right time. Qualitative research showed customers were very positive about the campaign. It had real resonance with the family audience.

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