2012 Bronze Best use of copy | DMA

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2012 Bronze Best use of copy


Client Drinkaware

How did the campaign make a difference? An interactive video with multiple choices and different outcomes simulated a conversation about alcohol with a child: Fiona. Over 290,000 people watched the video on average for 2.37 minutes. 44% claimed to go on to have a conversation with their child and 19% agreed they wouldn’t allow their children to drink under the age of 16.

What details of the strategy make this a winning entry? Underage drinking is a big problem in the UK. There are 3.6 million children aged between 11 and 15 and the average age of their first unsupervised drink is 14. 45% of this group have drunk alcohol at least once, 13% of them in the last week. Research shows that the later people start drinking, the less likely they are to become ‘increasing-risk’ drinkers. To delay the age of people’s first drink, Drinkaware raise awareness of the harmful effects of alcohol on young people both directly to children and through their parents by encouraging parents to understand their influence on their children's attitudes and behaviour towards alcohol, and empowering them to be positive role models for responsible drinking. This campaign draws parents' attention to issues and questions they might not have considered and encourages them to have conversations about alcohol with their children. It also helps them realise they might not have all the answers and encourages them to seek more information and advice from Drinkaware.

How did creativity bring the strategy to life? This interactive video simulated a conversation about alcohol with Fiona. Multiple choices to the questions posed each have a different outcome. The aim is to interrupt and put parents in the spotlight, encouraging them to have a predetermined conversation answering the difficult questions posed by children about alcohol. The objective was to make them realise that maybe they don’t have all the answers on the subject. Fiona’s questions tie you in knots and have you contradicting yourself within seconds. The video drives parents to Drinkaware’s parents’ web resource, which helps them turn what can be an awkward and difficult conversation into meaningful and constructive discussions, and allows them to share the conversation and content with other parents.

Results Over 290,000 people watched the video, with an average interaction time of 2 mins 37 secs. 17% clicked through to the parents website and over 3,000 shared the video with other parents and friends.

Team Emma de la Fosse, Charlie Wilson, Mark Wilson, Steven Parsons, Ben Evans, Brian Sassoon, Claire Cootes, Lucy Knowles, Josh Sananes

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