2011 Bronze Best creative solution or innovation | DMA

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2011 Bronze Best creative solution or innovation

Client The Glenmornagie Company

What is wonderful about this work? Word of mouth is everything with whisky, driven by key influencers. The Ardbeg Embassy programme targets exclusive bars and spirit retailers, creating 'Drambassadors'. We've seen nearly 100 official Embassies open, from Germany to Japan. Each actively promotes Ardbeg through tasting sessions and POS exposure, driving sales and providing a global network.

What details of the strategy make this a winning entry? Ardbeg single malt whisky is made on the small Scottish island of Islay. The Embassy programme looks to replicate the hugely successful Ardbeg Committee consumer programme for trade - exclusive bars and spirit retailers. Establishments are handpicked around the world. Each appointment carries duties to promote Ardbeg to the uninitiated, offer Committee members rarer releases and encourage new members. We released the limited edition Drambassador handbook (essentially a training manual) along with exclusive POS. Participation means they represent an award-winning whisky, get access to our rarest bottlings, exclusive POS and reach a potential customer base of 65,000.

How did creativity bring the strategy to life? Ardbeg playfully mixes history with tall tales and creates mythology around the distillery and every new whisky expression. The Drambassadors' handbook entertains, educates and encourages participation in the Embassy programme with further knowledge of and interaction with Ardbeg. From the distillery's chequered history to the varied beasts of Islay, and tasting notes for the most popular expressions, it's filled with knowledge, our playful tongue-in-cheek tone and information of their duties such as the annual hosting of Committee bottling tastings. It's supported by unique Ardbeg POS material exclusively for Embassies, and digital content for consumers: a brass plaque to alert passers-by of the Embassy; a gilt framed portrait of our esteemed 'lead-er' (Shortie, the resident terrier); an exclusive tasting box and calling cards; an interactive, searchable Google map to locate your nearest Embassy; a GPS version in the Ardbeg iPhone app to guide consumers.

Results As word has spread, premises and patrons have been nominating themselves or their favourite establishments around the world. Since launch in May, nearly 100 premises have gained the coveted Ardbeg Embassy status, with more pending approval and many more announcing interest. The enthusiasm is due in no small part to its exclusivity. Every piece was conceived with quality rather quantity in mind. With a target of 150 Embassies, the resulting network will provide brand evangelists dedicated to driving sales.

Team Dave Mullen, Charlie Gordon, Olivia Donaldson, Rebecca McFarland, Manos Riglis, Caroline Cairns, Laetitia Drexler, Hamish Torrie, Graham Robb.

Other contributors Bannister & Gasp - Picture production, David Boni - Photographer.

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