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If you’re considering writing a business book, you probably already have a considerable amount of experience in your industry. You should be clear about your areas of expertise so you can keep your content focused and worthwhile. It’s not enough to say you’re an expert in everything – people want to learn from specialists, not generalists.

Start building a platform

Don’t expect your book to be an instant success as soon as it hits the shelves – prepare! Start blogging on the topic. Build a website dedicated to the book. Submit articles to online and offline publications.

Start hosting workshops and conferences. Get involved with all appropriate websites and start sending out newsletters. Find out where your intended readers get their information online and use those areas to start getting to know them and slowly building up anticipation. If readers have already got some useful information from you in another format, they’ll definitely be interested in your book once it hits the shelves or appears online.
Do everything you can to build interest in your book so people are queuing for copies on its release day!

Build connections

If you’ve been in business a while you’ve probably got lots of connections that could be used to build awareness, such as joint venture partners and long-term clients. They can introduce their own circle of connections to your book once it’s published, so ask them for a favour and be willing to reciprocate if necessary. It could be something as simple as including a link to your book’s website in their next newsletter.

Remember, potential readers learning about your book from someone they already know and trust will provide a serious boost to your credibility.

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