Why Micro Influencer Marketing Matters | DMA

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Why Micro Influencer Marketing Matters


Author: Michael De Jesus

If our goal is to create a conversation and authentic value exchange of our brands and its products, then we need a micro influencer marketing strategy.

What is Micro Influencer Marketing?

We had the same reaction the first time we came across the term too. But, the real question is: Who are micro influencers? And what is a micro-influencer marketing strategy?

Micro influencers are not public figures, they’re people passionate about specific topic or brand and they’re popular too. In short, they are “real life” people; maybe you neighbour or your former classmate who are able to gather a community around their interests and passions.

How to Recognise a Micro-Influencer

There is much debate in our community as to what exactly deems a person to be an influencer. Some believe that one must have between 500 and 5,000 subscribers, others between 10,000 to 100,000. Beyond the figures, what defines a micro-influencer is not simply the number of subscribers they may have, rather it’s about their relationship and engagement.

Does the micro-influencer maintain their community? Reply to their comments? How does the micro-influencer respond to others recommendations? Essentially, the question is howengaged is the influencer to their community, because there inlays the true value for our micro influencer marketing strategy.

Why Target Micro-Influencers?

A recent study by Keller Fay Group and Expercity discovered that micro-influencers are ideal for engagement and advocacy. 82% of consumers surveyed consider themselves to follow the recommendations made by a micro-influencer. These influencers are also much more direct in their recommendations, 74% of them advise their subscribers to buy or try a particular product.


Micro influencer marketing will also allow for more precise targeting. Let’s say we want to promote our hi-tech products. We can do this through a popular or trending celebrity, but only a small part of their community will be potentially interested in our hi-tech products. Instead to maximise the efficiency of our marketing efforts we can channel a micro-influencer. We can promote our brand or product through a micro-influencer passionate about technology, our brand or our market. Now that we are familiar with who micro-influencers are and what a micro influencer marketing strategy is—let’s shed light on how to implement a successful process.

How to Create an Effective Micro Influencer Marketing Strategy

By working with several micro-influencers at once we can benefit from both of their engaged communities. A micro-influencer marketing strategy requires time (perhaps the most important resource of all). It takes much more time and work to identify relevant micro-influencers than to engage and build relationships with them. Fortunately, many tools exist to cut down the time while increasing the impact of our micro influencer marketing strategy. For example, Meltwater’s new platform allows us to search, monitor then engage with micro-influencers (and key influencers for that matter!).

Find out how Meltwater can help with your micro influencer marketing strategy by contacting us here or read our blog to gather more insights on influencer marketing.

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