What did the Contact Centre & Telemarketing Council do in November? | DMA

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What did the Contact Centre & Telemarketing Council do in November?

Our next meeting is 14 January 2015, 2pm. If you work for a DMA member firm and are interested in observing our meeting, then please get in touch via this blog or call 020 7291 3300 and ask for Charlotte Natter. Here's a brief snapshot of the output from our November 2014 council meeting.

1) Target to increase DMA membership to 1,250. New telemarketing members include Market Makers and Great Guns. There was a discussion on whether we should reach out to 'rogue' telemarketers and help turn bad practice into best practice.

2) Vulnerable initiative training slides and trainer notes almost finished. Test sites have been confirmed to run trials. Currently reaching out to charities working with vulnerable people to get further insight.

3) We are in discussion with companies and organisations about graduate programs and skills training on telemarketing & contact centre. CCMA have set up a degree course and we are looking to support.

4) Blogs on the results of the Councils recent research have been popular. Videos and webinars will follow. We plan to research the industry to find the issues that concern you so we can represent you better. Let us know.

5) We have attended a cross-council, omni-channel working group. Event likely March 2015. Highlighted need to keep skills of agents in mind; some might be good on the phone and aren’t great at writing or the other way around.

6) Have provided Ofcom with a response to their consultation. Also responding to DCMS consultation on borrowing enforcement threshold.

The council also post regular updates and topics for discussion on our LinkedIn Group, please join to be kept informed.

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