The Student Competition 2018 - Royal Mail confirmed to deliver brief | DMA

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The Student Competition 2018 - Royal Mail confirmed to deliver brief


This year’s student competition is back and we’re hugely excited to reveal that Royal Mail are providing this year’s brief. With an iconic brand reputation, Royal Mail are the perfect addition to reinforce the prestige the competition holds both academically and in industry.

The increasingly high standard of entries pushes us year upon year to produce something which will really challenge students. We’re confident that this year’s brief will ensure it’s another fantastic competition and encourage students to take a slightly different approach in their marketing campaign.

Royal Mail want to target marketers responsible for developing campaigns that target young people and encourage them to use direct mail in their campaigns, raising awareness of the power of direct mail amongst a younger demographic. We hope that these students, being in that younger demographic will thrive off this challenge to develop an innovative, creative response.

The full brief will be issued later this month. To make sure you’re one of the first to receive it, register your interest here. You can also read about last year’s competition here to find out what it’s like to be a part of something fantastic!

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