The Information Commissionerâs Office takes a global outlook | DMA

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The Information Commissionerâs Office takes a global outlook


The ICO’s role is shifting under the leadership of the new Information Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, they’re setting up a new London office to focus on lobbying and advocacy work, and developing an international strategy. The ICO’s information rights strategy will have a strong international element, Elizabeth said.

As Elizabeth Denham said in a recent ICO blog, the digital economy does not recognise national boundaries and so the ICO must adapt its position accordingly.

That’s why the ICO organised an international summit bringing together data protection experts from around the globe – including, ex-ICO deputy, David Smith, and European Data Protection Supervisor deputy head, Wojciech Wiewiorowski. Elizabeth Denham wanted to hear their perspective on the ICO’s strategy as what they think impacts on what the ICO does but also to learn from them.

The ICO is going to strengthen its relationships with other national data protection authorities around the world. It will develop bilateral relationships with other groups where interests are aligned. This is especially important in the context of Brexit as the UK loses its influence within the EU.

Elizabeth Denham said: “To drive forward this work I have established a new Department, International Strategy and Intelligence, which will have delivery of this work as a core focus, alongside work to develop a new expanded intelligence function and management of high profile cases.”

The move to open a London office focusing on lobbying and a new department for international strategy are illustrative of the changing role of the ICO. The regulator is evolving and taking a more proactive approach.

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