The ICO wants to hear what you think about profiling under the GDPR | DMA

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The ICO wants to hear what you think about profiling under the GDPR


Tell us how you’ll be affected

Hot on the heels of the DMA’s response to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) consent guidance comes their request for feedback regarding profiling under GDPR.

This consultation is slightly different to that one as this is not the ICO’s profiling guidance. The ICO are asking stakeholders for their interpretation of GDPR itself.

The ICO say: “Profiling is specifically addressed in the GDPR and there are new obligations for data controllers to consider. Our stakeholders have identified profiling as an area of concern and the Article 29 Working Party (WP29) has prioritised it for guidance. This paper only covers certain aspects of profiling in the GDPR. It should not be interpreted as guidance. It represents our initial thoughts on some key issues that we consider require further debate. Your responses will help inform the UK’s contribution to the WP29 guidelines due to be published later this year.”

The DMA will be submitting a response to the ICO so please submit any comments you may have to DMA external affairs manager, Zach Thornton, by 25 April 2017.

Please email your responses to

The final overall deadline for responding to the consultation is 28 April 2017.

You can read the full document here.

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