The Annual Truth of the Christmas Work Ethic | DMA

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The Annual Truth of the Christmas Work Ethic


Starting at a very young age we are conditioned by our culture to believe that Christmas is a wonderful and enchanting time of year where we celebrate and give thanks for another journey around the Sun. There might also be some modern religious implications that we stole from the Pagans, but don’t quote me on that.

Now I’ve finally got over the shocking lies about the existence of Santa, I have found the real magic of Christmas. We get to spend time with people we care about.

The drunken slouch on the couch with a cousin you are fond of. A party with the school parents that starts formally and ends up at 2am in a nightclub. Inappropriately long and laughter-filled lunches with clients and industry friends. Time with family. Playing with the kids.

Magic memories are made.

Every year Lab brings the team from around the world to the UK so we can all be together. We spent a week making friends, having fun, sharing stories, working together and partying. We have a huge ‘town hall’ where we talk about the future, while learning and laughing at the past. We are truly present, in person, and communicate brilliantly with each other. We feel great.

Magic happens.

We do this because we believe that culture is critical to success and there is no faster way to establish a strong and deliberate culture than to spend time together, face to face, real human contact.

What really blows me away is that while we don’t get to do this with the global teams every day at Lab, when we do, it feels like the lights in the office are glowing brighter than usual. We all click.

While I am amazed, I probably shouldn’t be. Our culture is deliberately designed so the fact that all offices are filled with similar people, who share similar values, shouldn't be a shock.

Culture eats strategy for breakfast.

I am lucky to work in an agency with so many brilliant human beings.

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