Sweet Like Chocolate: Marketing Automation That Stands Up To The (Taste) Test | DMA

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Sweet Like Chocolate: Marketing Automation That Stands Up To The (Taste) Test


It’s not a surprise that chocolate is one of the world’s most popular search terms. It evokes nostalgia, from iconic adverts (drumming gorillas, milk tray men and the ambassadors reception) to remembering childhood treats. When it comes to marketing automation, the humble chocolate bar provides a great analogy for any brand or business wanting to create a seamless customer experience and build lasting relationships with their customers

Something for everyone

Snickers is currently at the top of best selling lists but that might not matter to the person that is savouring every bite of their Green & Black’s 70% Dark Chocolate. Everyone is different and this is crucial when it comes to building personalisation into a marketing automation strategy. It helps you to get to know your customers and what they really want – whether that is moving with the trends or remaining fiercely loyal to a certain product. When you target the customer, it means your promotions and offers will be tailored to them and completely relevant to their buying habits.

A good consistency

If you’re fan of a certain chocolate, you might try other products in the range – ice cream, hot drinks and puddings. They might be different products, but as a faithful follower you still expect consistency in the taste. This is the key when it comes to using automation to interact with customers across every channel and realising that they expect the same experience with your brand on each. Research from the CMO Club shows that only 11% of marketers are truly embracing omnichannel marketing – so there are numerous opportunities to find the perfect balance – as McKinsey says "consistency is the secret ingredient to making customers happy. "

A smooth transition

When it comes to automating marketing processes, there is a lot to consider and you’ll want any implementation to be as smooth as a factory making chocolate caramels. Using their analysis of the customer journey, IBM have created a suite of products that personalise content, integrates with other systems, boosts conversion rates and, more importantly, streamlines the process. As a marketer, this is a valuable way to free up more time to reach your goals and plan – maybe even taking a moment to reflect, whilst enjoying your favourite chocolate bar.

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