Silver Surfers - the New Tech Savvy Millennials
03 May 2017

With an attention span of less than a goldfish, part of the 72% that use multiple devices when making purchases, and more than likely to break the journey if any form of hindrance comes in my path; us millennials are difficult individuals to capture.
However, the digitally enhanced millennials are only a small portion of the market share with less disposable income than the ageing demographic – right? Potentially, yes. But we are just the first wave of population that have been brought up with increasingly high standards for consumer proposition, with a thirst for Social, Email and the internet. With the UK head count 13m ahead of estimates made 10 years ago, the percentage of consumers expecting this personalised communication strategy is only going to increase.
Let me wind back to the old-school ageing demographic who supposedly aren’t as technologically advanced as their minors. 68% of all UK Travel bookings are now completed on a mobile device, and it is evident that the older generation are making the transition to become ‘the new tech savvy millennials’. The growing confidence for all age groups in the use of technology for purchasing anything from Holidays to pet food is evidently on the incline.
So, the UK population is showing an increase in use of digital technologies for the purchasing cycle, so much so that the customer journey is no longer linear. Every household contains a range of devices, all of different brands from tablet, mobile, laptop and desktop PC. We may begin researching our purchase using our mobile, continue research on our tablet whilst eating dinner, and then complete the purchase on our desktop before we go to bed.
For the marketer, now is the time to act. Dell recently conducted a study that concluded 92% of the world’s data was created in the last 2 years. Break it down to 204m emails every minute, 2.5m items of content shared on Facebook, and over 400k swipes on Tinder (we really are a raunchy race!). This large number of data is only going to increase, and with 0.5% of it ever being analysed, it is not being used effectively. The new generation are willing to share personal information, but expect that seamless shopping experience – it is time to market the opportunity!
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