Sausage rolls by candlelight
02 Feb 2018

Birthday celebrations with Mother, the most offensive advert from last year, the bottled scent of a potential lover, and a short film from Apple.
If this rat can manage to wash itself, then so can you Geoff from Finance.
The sky. So vast, so available. But who has time to look up when the internet can summarise? Cue: super blue blood moon.
Upcoming mega moons also available.
Because nothing says ‘I love you’ like sausage rolls by candlelight.
Very important they do this every few years. Nobody knows why.
Happy birthday Mother. From a giant inflatable breast to Jesus harassing Nigel Farage, we have a lot to thank the independent agency for.
Now in their 21st year, the bold and often outlandish team continues to find creative ways to say important things in genuinely amusing ways.
Remember Latin Santa?
A version of ‘No Woman, No Cry’ that may actually make you cry.
‘But do you really think that?’ Things not to say to people with Tourette’s.
Building a fashion brand. It isn’t for the faint hearted. & Other Stories has gone from strength to strength, since its initial launch in 2013, now with 50 stories in 13 countries. Co-founder, Sara Hildén Bengtsson tells us more.
Hires, departures and promotions. Where? What? Why? See the movers and shakers across Nissan, W&K, Ogilvy, Spotify, Airbnb and more.
It doesn’t take much to tick off the British public, and KFC’s ‘let me just have one more dance before you send me off for a good slaughtering’ chicken proved to provoke the most outrage amongst television viewers last year. Though McDonalds, Moneysupermarket and Dove gave them a good run for their money.
Across the pond, the Super Bowl. You know? Like a bowl. But… super?
The annual game, which takes place Sunday 4th February this year, offers a window into a potential view of America’s national psyche. Last year, just after Trump took office, ads offered themes of inclusion, strength and togetherness.
This year? Well, if you like celebrities doing stuff, things and more stuff – you get the picture. Amazon’s Alexa sets the tone.
Everything becomes heart-shaped. You consider having pancakes for every meal. You still don’t really understand why some years there are less days.
But, before hitting those sticky dancefloors with a jagerbomb in one hand and a pint of Lambrini in the other: 8 people on what they learned on quitting booze for a month.
Should the core academic subjects be given the most emphasis? Art, music, drama and design continue to feel the squeeze across British schools.
Ever been attracted to someone purely by their natural scent? Didn’t think so. Match set about bottling the smell of man. Just as long as it’s not Geoff from Finance.
If you thought the ad-blocker was the enemy of ad world, think again. Why Google’s new built-in Chrome ad blocker is actually beneficial for advertisers and publishers.
Take some time to look up from your iPhone.
And watch this short film from Apple… shot entirely on an iPhone.
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