Rocket Man
24 Nov 2017

A homemade rocket to prove us all wrong, championing female talent in the industry, tackling London's knife crime and one highly inconsiderate bus.
Scrap metal, a homemade rocket and an unfounded desire to prove the earth is flat. What could possibly go wrong? 'I don't believe in science' Inventor, Mike Hughes told the Associated Press.
Seeking solutions elsewhere, Barclays have joined forces with Unreasonable Group to empower entrepreneurs to create solutions to some of humanity’s biggest social issues. Namely, the world’s food crisis.
Another morning after the night before. The kitchen floor. A cold cup of tea. Staring into the vortex of your endlessly spinning washing machine. We hear you. The thing is, Samsung think you might have been onto something.
Back in the land of ho-ho-ho, TKMAXX have thrown their proverbial hat into the ad ring, with the help enigmatic tones of actor, Bill Nighy and a whole lorra artificial snow.
A touch of light relief amongst this year’s hordes of pull-at-your-heart-stringers, the spot explains its plans to deliver a white Christmas to customers who find their special snow globes in-stores.
Copywriters, are you whining too much? Andy Maslen’s had enough.
A dystopian media landscape where opinion trumps fact. An eerily close to home premise that doesn’t feel quite so dystopian anymore. Lee Hall’s adaption of Paddy Chayefsky’s 1976 film sees the National Theatre’s Network, starring Bryan Cranston (of Breaking Bad fame) hit the Lycett Theatre this December. Tickets are sold out, but take your chances with their Friday Rush.
Santa is a phony. Christmas is a lie. Rudolph is female. Trust no one.
With that in mind, ‘I am Reindeer’ is back, shining a light on female talent making waves. Entering its well-deserved second year, the project is part of SheSays’ mission to increase the number of female creative directors in the industry from the current figure of 12%.
To which we turn to retail’s Sephora.
The brand who, for the past two years, have been quietly supporting female-founded beauty businesses with their programme, Accelerate, with the aim of addressing the gap in female leadership in the start-up space, where a whopping 85% of venture investment goes to human male-men.
Similarly, food-chain Leon’s co-founder, Allegra McEvedy speaks out on why she believes more women should take the plunge and start their own company, adding ‘more men need to support us, because they’re still often the ones signing the cheque.’
Maybe we all need to take a leaf out of Little Miss Inventor’s book.
Never works with kids or animals. Advice resolutely avoided by AMV BBDO, as they enlisted the help of London’s youth with their latest work for The Mayor of London, London Needs You Alive.
The campaign, which looks at people affected by knife crime, focuses on a positive message, with the young people featured in the film talking about their values, their importance and their own potential, hence why they choose not to carry a knife.
Pre-roll ads. Cue a collective eye-roll. Often tricky to crack, YOOX have taken a novel approach in their latest campaign, teaming up with Google and Stink Studios to create a set of films that give a whole new meaning to going, going, gone.
When you spend $450 on a painting, but you don’t like the frame.
Millennials, rejoice. Travelling by train in the UK just became barely affordable. A new railcard for people aged 26-30 is to be launched early next year offering a third off most train fares as part of wider government initiative to offer better deals for hard-pressed young’uns.
Ever been tempted by the fanciful, carefree attitude only the purchase of a fedora can provide? Don’t be an idiot.
To conclude; five… four… three… two… one…
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