Legal update: Edinburgh
25 Jun 2018

In the shadows of Edinburgh castle at Whitespace Agency’s fantastic presentation area, the DMA and members gathered together for our update on all the things we’ve been working on of late.
While GDPR may no longer be at the top of everyone’s agenda, keeping you updated on this and future legislation is very much at the top of ours.
First, DMA resident solicitor and walking data privacy law textbook James Milligan gave a roundup of key GDPR issues and tackled some of the common questions around GDPR. All DMA GDPR guides are available for free from our website – head to the main page to get industry-leading tips on what GDPR means for you and the wider industry.
Next up, the External Affairs department’s new policy wonk and lobbyist, Michael Sturrock, gave a presentation on the political landscape in Scotland and what the DMA will be doing in Holyrood and beyond.
With the new leadership of DMA Scotland and greater resources in the DMA as a whole, our operations in Scotland will be expanding. Plenty of initiatives and opportunities for collaborating with policymakers, industry and educational institutions are afoot. As such, times for the DMA north of the border are exciting.
External Affairs Manager and master lobbyist Zach Thornton then gave a more in-depth idea of what the DMA has been and will be doing in light of recent regulatory policy and how we are adding to the conversation today.
Finally, we heard from Visit Scotland’s CRM data analyst, Nicola Farwell. She offered a case study of how Visit Scotland tackled the challenges of GDPR through ad campaigns. This helpful presentation kicked off a keen question and answer session about various strategies of customer retention.
The event, hosted by DMA Scotland’s all-round wonderful community manager and member point-woman, Lisa McLauchlan, was a great success and the DMA would like to give special thanks to DBS Data, who have sponsored this series of legal updates.
To find out more about the DMA’s work, you can register to attend these updates which take place regularly across the UK.
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