Is your website about to disappear off the face of the internet...? | DMA

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Is your website about to disappear off the face of the internet...?


Next Tuesday the world as we know it is going to change.

For some businesses this will be catastrophic.

For some, it will be miraculous...

In various guises, many of us have been banging on for the best part of this decade about making sure your website is "mobile" - mostly because your customers start there most of the time, or that becomes their browser of decision-making when they are in your (or your competitor's) store and in active "buy" mode.

If you didn't pay attention... well, it's too late now. You're about to disappear.


Google are going to penalise websites that aren't good mobile sites... in fact they are penalising pages. So even if your home page is good, if your key content pages where most people land after a search isn't optimised... *poof*. Gone.

Want to know if this is your website?

You can find out if Google considers your website 'mobile friendly':

And then start calling your web agency of record to start getting it fixed as soon as possible

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hi Jason - as you point out this has been a long time coming! I am sure like many of us we are increasingly using smart phones and tablets to search on the web and how frustrating is it that the majority of web sites are not mobile friendly! It is a great move by Google - can recommend Digivate who are a London based agency that will convert your web site to make it mobile friendly. Thanks for posting. Andy Dickens CEO Virtual Sales Limited