Increasing Physical Marketing Campaigns in 2016? | DMA

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Increasing Physical Marketing Campaigns in 2016?


The Post Office has sponsored an article in Marketing Week with the headline ‘Physical marketing is making a comeback’, well they would say that wouldn’t they.

However, there are some interesting points raised in the piece.

A study by Canadian neuromarketing firm True Impact, showed that direct mail was easier to process mentally and tested better for brand recall than other forms of advertising.

Rachel Aldighieri, the Direct Marketing Association’s managing director, says that although digital marketing has increased over recent years, physical marketing has never lost its impact on consumers.

“It’s resurgence is also thanks to these digital channels and the data they allow marketers access to,” she says. “Data is increasingly at the heart of the modern marketing industry, giving brands the opportunity to better understand how their campaigns are performing.”

She adds: “Whether it’s physical or digital, the route to success is ultimately having a clear approach to building your campaigns long-term. Brands must benchmark physical and digital campaigns so they can compare, contrast and learn how to improve on these metrics over time.”

The article then cites a number of companies that have benefited from using physical marketing some, like Warner Holidays have experienced 1:3.5 return on investment.

So will this lead to more companies using targeted ‘physical’ campaigns as part of their marketing mix in 2016? If so, as Rachel Aldighieri opines, data will be at the heart of any campaign both in terms of quality and quantity.

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