ICO consultation on contracts and liabilities between controllers and processors | DMA

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ICO consultation on contracts and liabilities between controllers and processors


This afternoon the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) published their draft guidance for contracts and liabilities between data controllers and processors.

The DMA will be submitting a robust response to represent the marketing sector but relies on comments from members to strengthen our arguments.

Please, submit any comments you may have to our external affairs manager, Zach Thornton, via email at Zach.Thornton@dma.org.uk

Submit your comments by 3 October 2017 in order to give us enough time to incorporate them into our final response.

The final deadline for submissions to the ICO is 10 October 2017.

You are free to submit your own response to the ICO and can do so by visiting their website.

The draft guidance can be accessed here.

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