How can your event benefit from a successful social strategy? | DMA

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How can your event benefit from a successful social strategy?


A recent survey taken amongst event marketing professionals revealed that a surprising 75% of the 550 involved have little or no social media strategy in place when it comes to events. According to Emma Dahl, Marketing Communications Specialist at PeopleNet, ‘social media is a natural extension of the events industry’ and should, by no means, be overlooked, nor should its effects be underestimated.

Implementing a social strategy is more than just introducing an event hashtag, though this is important as Vincent Boon, Chief Community Officer for Telefonica and Standing on Giants, acknowledges. He makes the point that not only do they help to generate online hype and drive engagement (attendees themselves will often generate up to 70% of the buzz before an event has even started), they also allow companies to promote their goods or services on Twitter.

Those interacting with event hashtags will help to keep your brand alive throughout the event process and with any luck, long after it’s ended. The potential for recurrent hype would not be possible without social media channels allowing for fans, followers and ‘word of mouth warriors’ to rave about your event.

Driving earned media off the back of an event is a natural course of action and social interaction is an excellent place to start. Encouraging consumers to share images on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. will build online presence and raise the profile of the event. Tactics such as these work particularly well with start-ups and new businesses.

Emma Dahl expresses the importance of being app savvy when it comes to live events, calling them a ‘must have’ for any event organiser. An event/brand specific app facilitates audience engagement ten-fold; users can interact with event organisers and other attendees, they can give feedback and pitch ideas and they can stay ahead of the curve with regards to the latest event news. Putting consumers at the centre of your event is a sure fire way of creating loyal brand followers, these engaged audience members will be the people you come to rely on to boost the credibility and hype of your event year on year.

Strategies such as these also help you as an organisation to grow and to become more reputable. From data collection and brand recognition, to building an online community and attaining trusted, loyal fans; your brand will reap the rewards. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other avenues, are platforms your consumers will be readily engaged with, and it’s up to you to sustain their interest and interaction, once this has been accomplished, this very engagement will be what leads to brand interest and ultimately, sales.

A successful social strategy should assist in the building of a community of brand advocates. By putting your customers at the centre of your event and giving them influence via their interaction on social media, you are gaining their trust, all of which will feed into the success of future events.

An effective social strategy is all about making connections, getting personal, knowing your audience, rewarding loyalty, and ultimately, about establishing relationships with people. Achieve this and you’re onto a winner.

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