Government to help train smaller and local charities | DMA

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Government to help train smaller and local charities


The Minister for Civil Society, Rob Wilson, who is responsible for the charity sector, announced the training programme as part of the Government’s new Local Charities Day. A day of celebration for small, local charities and community groups.

The Minister wants to use the day to encourage the British public to donate to local charitable causes but also to train charities themselves.

Courses range from face-to-face workshops to online learning, support from skilled volunteers and a Twitter Q&A. It will cover a range of topics including fundraising from Trusts and Foundations, how to design a fundraising strategy and how to run a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Minister for Civil Society, Rob Wilson, said: “On Local Charities Day, I want us all to shout from the rooftops about small, local charities: their energy, commitment, expertise and the benefits they bring to their communities. We have already done a huge amount of work for small and local charities, reducing regulation and introducing a Bill to parliament which will make Gift Aid even more flexible and generous.”

Local Charities Day will take place on the 16 December in the run up to Christmas. A time of year that many charities rely on for donations.

The training assistance is targeted at charities with a revenue under £1 million and that focus their efforts on local causes.

Charities and community groups can sign-up for training opportunities at:

The FSI and GlobalGiving UK.

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