Fundraising Regulator decides on plan for FPS | DMA

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Fundraising Regulator decides on plan for FPS


The Fundraising Regulator has announced its latest plans for the Fundraising Preference Service (FPS), which is set for launch in spring/early summer 2017. The service will apply to all charities and allow individuals to opt-out from all forms of marketing communication (email, text, telephone and addressed mail) from specified charities. The online and telephone-based system will also include signposting to the existing mailing and telephone preference services.

John Mitchison, Head of Preference Services, Compliance and Legal at the DMA, said:

“The proposed solution for the Fundraising Preference Service will certainly facilitate consumer control over the marketing they receive from charities. We have always advocated a customer-centric approach that doesn’t create a significant barrier to the great work charities do. In line with our focus on creating a sustainable future for fundraising, it seems to present an accessible solution for all charities. However, we would urge the Regulator to ensure the service is robust, easily accessible and in particular protects vulnerable consumers.

“The service will create a portal where consumers can easily exercise their right to opt-out of fundraising marketing. In addition, it is vital that charities work within the infrastructure that has long been in place to offer consumers protection through the mailing and telephone preference services, as well as follow the DMA code of conduct that the Etherington report highlighted as a standard all charities should aspire to.”

Lord Grade, Chair of the Fundraising Regulator, commented:

“The FPS will help give individuals control of their contacts with charities. In covering all charities and all forms of communication with a named individual, it will meet the aspirations for the FPS set out in the Cross-Party Review of fundraising practice.

“There is a growing realisation in the sector that appropriate consents need to be put in place and that the wish to opt-out must be respected. We are committed to helping the sector work to the standards expected by the public. Once implemented, the FPS will be closely reviewed, including usage, value for money and donor feedback.”

Further information on the Regulator’s decision and a summary of the responses to the FPS consultation are also available here.

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