Fresh Blood 4.0 featuring the Big Book Crit | DMA

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Fresh Blood 4.0 featuring the Big Book Crit


Last Tuesday, a mix of 45 aspiring marketers descended on Prophecy Unlimited HQ for an evening of insight, networking and nibbles. Attendees were given the rare opportunity to mix with some of the best industry experts and creative directors in and around Bristol.

We invited a range of speakers to cover as much of the sector as possible. Sam Taylor from Kerve Creative and Kevin Mason from Proctor + Stevenson covered the future of marketing and how AI is becoming common place in campaigns.

Sam Sparkes then delved into the world of data with an interactive workshop which got everyone thinking and showed the vast array of roles available in the sector. This was followed by a dive into agency life by Lucy, Max and Jeff from Indicia who gave an insight into the different roles available within an agency and the skills needed for each.

Whilst all this was happening, those interested in a more creatively driven career were meeting some of the top creative directors in the region, getting invaluable feedback on their portfolios as part of the Big Book Crit.

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