Does hyper-personalised communication have a future?
04 Feb 2020
Despite hyper-personalisation’s growing importance, global advisory firm, Gartner, predicts that by 2025, 80% of companies that have invested will abandon it citing weak Return on Investment (ROI) and the risks of customer data management as the primary causes. There are, however, solutions which address these issues.
Using data more effectively
While data is crucial for hyper-personalisation, its potential is significantly increased when it is analysed using advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI). Doing so provides the valuable insights needed to create effective communications strategies that benefit from customer-relevant messages, incisive targeting, customer journey mapping and, by using the most appropriate communication channels, cost-efficiencies.
To deliver hyper-personalisation, a comprehensive overview of the customer is essential. Establishing this requires an intelligent platform that provides complete visibility across all consumer touchpoints and which removes the operational silos between departments. One of the chief values of such a platform is its role in ensuring all omnichannel communications are carried out via the customers’ preferred channels, thus increasing the likelihood that customers will see and respond to communications in a timely manner.
The technology hurdle
While 14% of marketing budgets are spent on personalisation, more than one in four marketing leaders cite technology as a major hurdle to its adoption[2]. Faced with an increasing need to implement personalised communication strategies, many companies are left struggling to find a viable intelligent-technology-led solution. In response, organisations often use an array of enabling technologies, such as AI, data analytics and advanced marketing tools. The complex nature of these multi-faceted approaches, however, can raise many additional challenges and result in significant in-house investment.
A managed service solution
Today’s advanced customer communications management (CCM) systems provide the infrastructure needed to create a single, centralised platform capable of supporting high-volume, end to end, personalised communications, on-demand. These platforms work across the entire customer journey, breaking down silos and increasing the visibility of all company-customer communications. This ensures customers receive a unified communications experience without inconsistencies in messaging or branding.
Addressing Gartner’s ROI concerns, a single platform’s ability to deliver the time-optimised creation, approval and delivery of omnichannel communications ensures customers receive the most appropriate information at the right times and via their preferred channels. The opportunities this creates can be leveraged by companies to maximise sales.
Increasingly, companies see value in working with a single, experienced communications partner to put an effective solution in place. Doing so can resolve the issues raised by Gartner and overcome the hurdles that prevent the adoption of data-driven communications.
A single, communications partner provides the intelligent technologies needed for complete customer overviews and enables data to be taken greater advantage of. At the same time, they supply the capacity to design, manage and deliver high-volume, personalised communications, on-demand and via the customer’s channel of choice, all from a single, centralised platform.
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