#dmaZEDtalks 2: Top tips for creativity & integration...Be Brave! | DMA

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#dmaZEDtalks 2: Top tips for creativity & integration...Be Brave!

What an inspiring evening for #dmaZEDtalks round two. A room full of creatives all trying to capture some golden nuggets to take back to the office. Lots of passion, swear words, story-telling, hatred for silos, bravery and even some chat about Accrington Stanley!

Ian Bates has herded the UK agency heavy weights and it was quite the line-up. Grab a cuppa and watch the video highlights and tips from the top to help you crack the silos and convince your clients to get creative. It’s time to truly integrate. On your marks. Get Set. Go!

Ian Bates, creator of #dmaZEDtalks 2 talks creativity & integration

Caitlin Ryan, Karmarama shares her thoughts on creativity and integration #dmaZEDtalks

Creativity & integration advice from Chris Martin @WPNLondon #dmaZEDtalks

"Be Brave" urges Beri Cheetham, Leo Burnett for integrated creative success! #dmaZEDtalks

Nicky Bullard, LIDA, talks about joining up the dots of creativity and integration

Patrick Collister, Google gives his top tip for creative integration at #dmaZEDtalks 2

Check out the chat on the day on Twitter #dmaZEDtalks and feel free to dive in. Don’t forget to sign up for Zedtalks 3, 19th @ 6pm November. See you there.

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