DMAâs Zach Thornton on ON24 GDPR Webinar | DMA

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DMAâs Zach Thornton on ON24 GDPR Webinar


In the run-up to the GDPR implementation deadline, DMA staff are being whisked across the country to give their takes on what businesses, charities, organisation and individuals should be doing ahead of the 25th May.

On Thursday, Zach Thornton partook in a webinar on GDPR regulation run by ON24 in collaboration with GDPR webinars.

Moderated by Andrew Warren-Payne Managing Director Market2Marketers, the panel looked at how marketers (working alongside other business stakeholders such as compliance, legal and internal comms) can deliver timely and impactful campaigns around regulatory change.

Alongside Zach on the panel were Abigail Dubiniecki, a Specialist from My Inhouse Lawyer and Richard Preece, Director of DA Resilience.

The panel agreed that processes will be the key to successful implementation. Among the helpful highlights was Abigail Dubiniecki’s 5-step plan to GDPR implementation:

  1. Know the law
  2. Know your data
  3. Know what your legal and justification is
  4. Trim the fat
  5. Go forth and market

Zach spoke about the value of incorporating privacy by design and encouraged adopting a comprehensive approach which brought all relevant people into the system. Ensuring privacy by design will

You can watch the webinar and pick up the rest of the top tips here.

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