DMA CEO Chris Combemale speaks to GDPR Roadmap for Sales and Marketing

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DMA CEO Chris Combemale speaks to GDPR Roadmap for Sales and Marketing in London


On March 8, DMA group CEO Chris Combemale spoke at the GDPR Summit Roadmap for Sales and Marketing about data privacy, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the implications for company-customer relationship.

At the event entitled ‘Engaging your target audience under GDPR,’ Chris explained why engagement relied on absolute trust between the consumer and company.

For the successful adoption and advancement of AI and the internet of things, customers need to share information with the products. As Chris noted, ‘in a world that looks like this, you need to be able to trust Alexa.’

The GDPR legislation coming into force in May will compel companies to look at their data protection policies and make improvements, which in turn will help to bring about this relationship of trust. In short, making privacy as a core brand value will be a development which both companies and consumers will benefit.

To read more about the event and Chris’ presentation, see the article in Digital Marketing Magazine.

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