Digital Transformation: A Case Study of Technological Intervention | DMA

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Digital Transformation: A Case Study of Technological Intervention


The story is familiar. The Bank, one of the British “Big Four,” a statured institution with a long and illustrious history, displayed some of the classic struggles in its digital transformation. It had one advantage however: an internal “champion” who knew things could be improved, first, by assembling a Digital team. As one of the largest online banking platforms in Europe, the Bank generally amassed a 1.4 Billion log-ons per year, a number that is continuously increasing.

Their Situation

The Bank was packed with talented and motivated people. Unfortunately, their efforts to meet marketplace demand were hobbled by their process, software development life cycle (SDLC), organizational structure, tooling, funding models, lack of Continuous Delivery practices and other factors.

With more than 2,000 developers, testers and multiple UI practice teams spread across the globe, the Bank’s development process had fragmented internal teams to the extent that even Business and IT functions were heavily compartmentalized and had competing priorities. In short, the Banks’ people, process, and technology were not efficient in delivering customer value.

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