Blockchain: Everything you need to know | DMA

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Blockchain: Everything you need to know


To appreciate the value of blockchain it’s important to understand how technology changes relationships between people and organisations. This one day IDM course will help you learn about and embrace this fast-emerging technology.

Blockchain is a key emerging disruptive technology transforming marketplaces today. To appreciate the value of blockchain it’s important to understand ‘disintermediation’: how technology changes the relationships between people and organisations.

Most markets have creators and consumers with dominant intermediating parties acting as agents in between. Often the intermediating parties extract excessive value – for example, a retailer’s mark-up/profit can easily be more than a manufacturer’s profit. Decentralisation, indelible ledgers and tokenisation – components of disintermediation – can drive how any market or system operates to the benefit of creators and consumers.

As a business, it’s important to understand how it will affect your industry and treat it as a strategic advantage rather than it be a threat. Marketers need to be aware of the impact it will have on their business and the product category and how embracing blockchain can create a product, customer experience and communications advantage.

IDM has launched a new course covering all aspects of Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Token economics – why they came about and how they work?

To find out more about our Blockchain course, contact us via or call 0208614 0255

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