An end-of-term parliamentary recap (in the style of Dr Seuss) | DMA

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An end-of-term parliamentary recap (in the style of Dr Seuss)


It's been two long years since that nation-wide vote,
When all of the people jumped out the EU boat.

Those who tried staying did pull out their hair.
“Stop complaining!” the Brexiteers shouted, “we won fair and square!”
“But what about our EU friends who we want to still see?”
“You can still go to Europe but using a blue passport, you’ll be!”

The election that came after, it was really quite strange,
But insisted the Prime Minister “Come, now! Nothing has changed!”

Now the blue-coloured party got government cars,
but the red-coloured party got none for thars.
The yellows and greens lacked vehicles too,
But you we left asking: “what does this mean for me and you?”

So back to the parliament the MPs went,
But for a year they twiddled thumbs, time was not very well spent.
To get a deal on Brexit, Mr Davis did try,
But for months and months, little progress went by.

So Prime Minister May took her Cabinet to meet,
To agree on a strategy, a deal, what a feat!
After a day of discussion, they were attached at the hip,
The agreement got shouts of “Good show!”, “Jolly good!” and “Pip pip!”

But in the days that did follow, disgruntled some were,
And conspiring in secret, they planned to leave her.
“It’s no good, PM, we wish you the best, we really do”.
So off went Johnson and Davis and Baker and others, too.

So, havoc ensued and yet more of them went.
Poor Mrs May, she looked ever so spent.
More white papers and green papers and left-on-a-train papers were wrote
After plotting and planning, the parliament would vote

“Right!” Said Theresa, “Here’s the deal, now get it in your head:
You can take it or leave it, but you’ll have Corbyn instead!”
“Oh goodness, oh gracious, that really wouldn’t do,”
Said the parliamentarians whom always wore blue.

Then, Mrs May, she did crack the whip fast,
By two votes or three votes, her bills did just slip past.
Yet many aren’t happy, “this deal will leave us in a bog”.
Said one aloof Brexiteer named Jacob Rees-Mogg.

But, for now, she has made it, Prime Minister May,
To the end of term, to freedom, to a summer holiday.
I suppose we’ll all see when they’re back in September,
If the fighting and the grudges, the MPs will remember.

For you and for me, we now get a break.
From politics, from Brexit, now let’s go and eat cake!

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