A New Kind of Loyalty | DMA

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A New Kind of Loyalty


For more than 300 years, shop owners and marketers have been experimenting with methods to drive customer loyalty. From redeeming tokens and stamps to collecting box tops and punch cards, loyalty programs were (and still can be) a way to move customers along the buyer’s journey and retain them. After all, it pays to have loyal fans, as they often spend more and provide free advertising as they spread the word to friends and colleagues.

But with a world of choices now at their fingertips, consumers are no longer confined to the limited selection that’s available at their neighborhood store. They can buy whatever they want, whenever they want it at a competitive price by shopping around the internet.

The digital age calls for a new kind of loyalty — one that goes beyond reward cards and frequent flyer miles. Building genuine, lasting relationships requires a deeper connection between brands and customers: an advanced state of loyalty called emotional loyalty.

Emotional loyalty is the deep connection achieved when every action, input, and communication a customer receives from a brand makes them feel valued and respected.

Read more about this exciting new concept in our new ebook examining the ins and outs of emotional loyalty, how to drive it, and what better loyalty management looks like.

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