31 ways of how to search on GOOGLE | DMA

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31 ways of how to search on GOOGLE


Step 1) Explicit Phrase

Let's say you're searching on Google for content about Printwell (UK) Ltd. Instead of just typing Printwell (UK) Ltd into the Google search box, you will likely be better off searching explicitly for the phrase. To do this, simply enclose the search phrase within double quotes.

Example Search: "Printwell (UK) Ltd"

Step 2) Exclude Words

Let's say you want to search for content about Printwell (UK) Ltd, but you want to exclude any results that contain the term printing. To do this, simply use the - sign in front of the word you want to exclude.

Example Search: printing -Printwell (UK) Ltd

Step 3) This OR That

By default, when you conduct a search, Google will include all the terms specified in the search. If you're looking for any one of one or more terms to match, then you can use the OR operator. (Note: The OR has to be capitalized).

Example Search: printing OR Printwell (UK) Ltd

Step 4) Words in the Text

If you want to find a webpage where all the terms you're searching for appear in the text of that page (but not necessarily beside each other), type in allintext: followed immediately by words or phrases.

Example Search: allintext:vermont ski house lake

Step 5) Words in the Text + Title, URL etc.

If you want to find a webpage where one term appears in the text of that page and another term appears elsewhere on the page, like the title or URL, then type in that first term followed by intext: followed immediately by the other term.

Example Search: neil diamond intext:red sox

Step 6) Words in the Title

Want to find a webpage with certain words contained in the title (but not necessarily beside each other)? Type in allintitle: followed immediately by words or phrases.

Example Search: allintitle:wine club

Step 7) Words in the TItle + Text, URL, etc.

Want to find a webpage where one term appears in the title of that page and another term appears elsewhere on the page, like in the text or the URL? Type in that first term followed by intitle: immediately followed by the other term.

Example Search: flu shot intitle:advice

Step 8) Words in the URL

If you want to find pages with your search query mentioned in the URL, type allinurl:immediately followed by your search query.

Example Search: allinurl:hubspot blog

Step 9) How to Search Within a Website

Often, you want to search a specific website for content that matches a certain phrase. Even if the site doesn’t support a built-in search feature, you can use Google to search the site for your term. Simply use the site:somesite.com modifier. (Read this blog post to learn how to do this in more detail.)

Example Search: site:www.printwell.co.uk "Printwell (UK) Ltd"

Step 10) Related Search

If you want to find new websites with similar content to a website you already know of, use the related:somesite.com modifier.

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