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DMA Group accounts 2015-2016

DMA Group accounts for the year ending 31 March 2016

Information Commissioner announces GDPR guidance timelines

The latest from the Information Commissioner on GDPR

#writerscrawl: Big Bang - how to write just about anything

Creative director at CHI&Partners, Laura Rodgers, took us through some key tips to keep your copy zesty fresh – with a bit of Jeff Goldblum thrown into the mix

#writerscrawl: Big Bang - Leo Burnett, the NSPCC and beautiful writing

Beri Cheetham and Kit Altin of Leo Burnett took to the stage at Big Bang to fill our minds with creative possibilities - and to bang the drum for emotive, story-led copy

#writerscrawl: the power of words with Karmarama

Gathered under one roof at Karmarama, our #writerscrawlers got up close and personal with the word play of a poet, a speech writer, a screen writer and a playwright 

#writerscrawl: the B2B copywriting conundrum with Fieldworks

Is it really possible to be creative and commercially successful in B2B copywriting? Chelsea Reay, Fieldworks head of content, took us on a webinar journey to find out.

Steve Harrison's history of copywriting in five ads

Steve Harrison took us on a personal journey through the history of copywriting in five ads

Mind the Social Gap

Social media constantly evolves and demands that practitioners upskill to keep pace with change. Join this webinar, led by the DMA’s Social Media Council, and add to your skillset with a bit of help from the experts.

#writerscrawl: words are experience with Lab

Lab's Justin Thorne took us through psychological copywriting, which includes nudges, VAK and whether you speak to monkeys, lions or dogs. Confused? Don't be - read on because it will help your copywriting.