Marketing and Data Apprenticeships - A Great way to Build Your Talent Pool | DMA

Marketing and Data Apprenticeships - A Great way to Build Your Talent Pool

Marketing apprenticeships are a great way to grow your talent pool, but where do you start to get talented apprentices into your marketing and data teams?

Building on our report, Apprenticeships: The Hidden Potential and partnership with JGA Apprenticeships, we held a webinar chaired by DMA Talent's General Manager Kate Burnett to shed some light on that very question.

Joining Kate was apprenticeship training provider JGA’s Managing Director, Richard Goodwin, along with apprentices Nikki Lewis, Marketing Manager, Conservatory Outlet and Rachel Davies, Communications Supervisor, Totally Wicked.

We have broken the webinar down into short bitesized clips so you can get to the answers about apprenticeships you want, including:

  • The different types of apprenticeships
  • The Government incentive to take an apprentice on board by 31 January 2022 and receive £3,000
  • How to get started recruiting apprentices using your Digital Apprenticeship Service account and spending your levy
  • What counts for 20% off-the-job training
  • How to manage apprentices working from home

Who are JGA?

Why should employers use apprenticeships in their business?

Why is it important for businesses to employ apprentices? The view from apprentices

Why did Nikki and Rachel choose to do an apprenticeship?

There are many different types of apprenticeships out there, can you explain the main differences?

What are the range of apprenticeship jobs avaliable?

There is currently a government incentive of £3,000 for apprentices who start by 31 January 2022, could you explain how this works?

What are the first steps you need to take when you decide you want to have an apprentice in your organisation?

Can you explain how the levy works?

How does the Levy Transfer work?

There are some misconceptions about what counts for the 20% off the job training for apprentices, can you outline the key activities that can be included?

How did Rachel find balancing training and work?

How have companies managed apprentices working remotely during coronavirus, especialy those who are younger and sometimes brand new to the workplace?


If you have questions about apprenticeships, please get in touch with Kate Burnett, General Manager of DMA Talent:

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