When & Where?
Wednesday, 17th February 2016
Monday, 6th June 2016
Hatherley Lane
GL51 6PN
United Kingdom
Ticket Information
Council member £99.00(+VAT)
Council member table of 8 £713.00(+VAT)
DMA/IDM member £125.00(+VAT)
DMA member table of 8 £900.00(+VAT)
Non member £225.00(+VAT)
Non member table of 8 £1,600.00(+VAT)

Set in the palatial surrounds of The Manor By The Lake, the DMA’s West ball gives you champagne, dinner and dancing – 1940s style.
This summer throw open your diary and make a date with the DMA’s West ball.
Our venue this year is the atmospheric Manor By The Lake. Formerly the home of aviation pioneer Sir George Dowty, this June we welcome DMA and IDM members – and their guests – for the first time. The new, expanded West ball features:
- A champagne reception in the grand entrance hall, drawing room and Italian gardens
- Three-course dinner with live entertainment
- Dancing with live band – and a late bar for those still going strong
Our theme takes you back firstly to the 1940s. With live Big Band music from the era in our faithfully recreated dancehall, we retell the era with the sights and sounds that marked it out as such an iconic and influential time in British history.
And for those of you still going strong, once we hit midnight we move to the 1950s at our speakeasy bar, fully stocked and ready to rock.
This is a wonderful opportunity to see in the summer with clients, congratulate your team for their hard work and make new friends.
Headline sponsor
Entertainment sponsor
Wine and print sponsor
Get £200 training credit when you book a course or qualification before 5pm on Thursday 31 August. Email us at training@theidm.com or call 0208 6140255 and quote CREDIT200.
For all enquiries regarding this event, including sponsorship opportunities, please contact Andrew Buffrey.
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